A Special Parent Message for Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

By Pat Hornbecker, Board President, The Arc of California

I wear many roles in the disability community as a disability rights activist, and leader. I currently serve as the Board President for The Arc of California, but today, I am writing as an advocate for my adult son, Joseph, who has Angelman Syndrome.

March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month – a time to celebrate the disability community and its accomplishments.

One of the things that makes me proud to be a Californian is the passage of The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Act, signed in 1969.

It is a PROMISE from the State of California to all people with developmental disabilities that they have a right to receive the supports and services necessary to help them live a life to their fullest potential in the communities of their choosing.

However, since the Great Recession in 2008/2009, we have never been a fully-funded support system. And NOW we have one of the biggest hits to our support system – a funding cut of more than $1 billion – proposed as a “delay” by Governor Gavin Newsom to balance his budget.

In good faith, the disability community endured a Rate Study Survey (now 9 years old) that revealed a $2.2 billion funding gap. We agreed to incremental increases over a few years to close the funding gap with the final investment of $1 billion in July 2024, which is now being DELAYED!

Make no mistake about it, this “DELAY” by the Governor is a “CUT” to our services and supports that will have a devastating impact on the lives of Californians with developmental disabilities, families and the workforce. IT IS A PROMISE BROKEN!

And why? Why us? The state made a promise in 1969 NOT to do this. CALIFORNIA recognized people with disabilities as deserving a life of respect and dignity equal to any other citizen. And The Lanterman Act promises to fund the system that would create this reality.

What do I tell my son?

  • That the thousands of service providers across the state may not be able to keep their doors open?
  • That the hundreds of thousands of support staff who are chronically underpaid will go find better jobs in the fast-food industry?
  • That the Governor now wants to develop a new “Master Plan” that will delay investments for years to come when we already have a “Plan” in The Lanterman Act?

We need to find a FINAL, SUSTAINABLE, revenue source that will allow California to Keep its PROMISE to my son and all people with DISABILITIES!

I urge the Governor to reinstate the $1 billion in funding for July 1, 2024. No delays! Let’s put Californians with disabilities on a Path to Thrive, not just survive.

I have recorded a video that will be shared on social media and with the Governor and our elected officials. I encourage you to also record a video message letting our legislators know the funding cut needs to be rejected and the $1 billion investment made on July 1, 2024 as planned.

Please join me in this advocacy effort so March’s Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month can be a month of celebrating stories of people with disabilities thriving and living their best lives.


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