The Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Intervention (ICC) held their quarterly meeting in Sacramento last week and significant attention was given to the state’s DROWNING PREVENTION CAMPAIGN. Over the years, The Arc of CA has partnered with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) to promote water safety and drowning prevention. In fact, many years ago we use to host a prevention luncheon fundraiser to raise money for prevention activities and message distribution. As I recall Ms. Shirley Dove was Chair because NOBODY could say no to her and she REALLY drove home the importance of collaboration.
I was sad to hear at the last ICC meeting that there have been several recent drownings in California and it made me wonder how we can be more active in the Drowning Prevention Campaign. How can we facilitate or increase collaboration among and with community partners to elevate awareness about water safety? While I don’t have an exact answer, I do have what Ms. Shirley Dove taught me so many years ago and that is to be PERSISTANT and DON’T TAKE NO FOR AN ANSWER! So that is my plan… I am going to ask everyone who gets, reads and forwards the Monday Morning Memo to ask community partners in your community – daycare centers, pediatrician offices, libraries, grocery stores, swimming pool companies, ice cream shops, and any other place families and children go – to engage in this campaign by posting this poster in their establishment.

Teresa Anderson, Policy Director, The Arc & UCP Collaboration