California State Senate Budget Subcommittee #3 Discusses Critical Funding Issues for California’s IDD Community.
Thursday, May 2nd, the California State Senate Budget Subcommittee #3 heard and discussed several budget items that will impact Californians with IDD. Speakers at the hearing including Department of Rehabilitation, Department of Developmental Services, Senator Richard Pan (D-Sacramento), Senator Jeff Stone (R-Temecula), Department of Finance, Legislative Analyst Office, and hundreds of members of the public that gave comments on the issues.
The same committee will hold an additional hearing this Thursday, May 9th, to discuss two items: The critical rate study, as released by the Department of Developmental Services, that concluded in a draft report a $1.8 billion underfunding of supports and services for Californians with IDD; and the complimentary 8% provider rate increase as requested by Assemblyman Chris Holden, Assemblyman Jim Frazier, and Senator Henry Stern. That committee is likely to hear those items around noon. Advocates are highly encouraged to attend and give public comment on the need of additional funding for supports and services.
Last week’s hearing and agenda can be viewed here. Some items are heard at the following times:
49:04 – Traumatic Brain Injury Programs
58:05 – CalFresh Outreach for SSI Recipients
1:38:00 – Increases to Providers for Local Minimum Wage Increases
1:49:50 – 14 Day Uniform Holiday Schedule & Half-Day Billing
2:11:00 – Restoring Social Recreation and Camp Services
4:01:58 – Closure of Developmental Centers
4:19:50 – Safety Net Facilities and Crisis Services
5:31:20 – Racial Disparities
We highly encourage attendance from the advocacy community at the May 9th hearing – a large turnout always makes an impression on the legislators and adds importance to the issues. Those unable to attend in person can view the hearings at

Jordan Lindsey, Executive Director, The Arc of California