In response to decades of underfunding for regional center services, which has caused individuals with disabilities, their families, and their direct support staff to suffer, state Senator Henry Stern and state Assemblymember Jim Frazier have proposed a three-year budget plan that would restore health, safety, and opportunity for Californians with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
- The Plan, which proposes to increase funding by $1.7 billion over three years for regional center funded services and regional center caseloads, focuses on five main areas:
Phase-in the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) Rate Models for service providers over three years; - Make immediate corrective actions for services omitted from emergency funding increases last year, including Independent Living, Infant Development, and Early Start Specialized Therapeutic Services;
- Take immediate actions to comply with Federal and State caseload ratios at regional centers;
- Ensure all DDS funded services & supports receive adjustments for state minimum wage increases;
- Secure a foundation for long-term planning by removing the suspension date of January 1, 2022 for emergency funding approved last year.
The Plan has been submitted to both the State Assembly and Senate, and is next scheduled to be discussed on Wednesday, April 22 in the Assembly Budget Subcommittee #1 (the Senate Budget Subcommittee #3 was originally scheduled to hear the proposal this Thursday, March 19, but the hearing was canceled due to Covid-19).
In the coming weeks it will be critical for additional members of the Assembly and Senate to sign on and support the letter. To get involved and learn more please go to www.TheLantermanCoalition.org.