The Interagency Coordinating Council on Early Start is an advisory council appointed by the Governor, to the Department of Developmental Services, comprised of parents of children with disabilities, early intervention service providers, health care professionals, state agency representatives and others interested in early intervention. The mission of the ICC is to promote and enhance a coordinated family services system for infants and toddlers, birth to three years, who are at risk or have a developmental disability, and their families, utilizing and encouraging a family-centered approach, family-professional partnerships and interagency collaboration.
Earlier this month the ICC met and discussed several issues of importance to the Early Start Community including; diversity in Early Start services, categorical services and qualification criteria, Home and Community Based Services, video conferencing guidance, Family Resource Centers Services, and the importance of ensuring developmental screening for infants and toddlers. Among the issues discussed was a serious concern that during the COVID-19 Pandemic there has been a significant decrease in families accessing screening and Early Start services. A priority effort for California Early Start is to increase outreach to families, healthcare providers, educators, and any other organizations that come in contact with families that have young children (0-3 years old).
Please feel free to share the attached resources with families, colleagues, and partner agencies via email listservs, newsletters, social media, and other platforms. Early Start also has a variety of additional multilingual brochures, booklets, publications, and other free resources that are available for parents, professionals, and others.
The infographics below, and other free resources, are available for parents, professionals, and others at the following link: