Last week Congress voted to pass the Farm Bill or HR2 by a slim 2 vote margin. If enacted, this bill will make significant changes to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), known in California as CalFresh. This program is primarily used by people with disabilities, low income working families, senior citizens, and children.
According to the Western Center on Law & Poverty 12.8% of Californians are already experiencing food insecurity. CalFresh has proven to be a useful tool to help lessen this level, though 12.8% represents far too many people going without consistent, adequate access to nutritional food. If the Congressional Farm Bill is enacted as written this rate is certain to increase.
The Farm Bill includes the following changes:
- A 20 billion dollar cut to the program budget.
- A tightening of program eligibility requirements (including work requirements).
- New and stricter verification rules.

Christian McMahon, Communications Specialist, The Arc of California