Bill Giving Judges the Power to Allocate Child Support to a Special Needs Trust Awaits Governor’s Signature

Image of Judge's Desk with Flag and Seal of California

By Jim Frazier, Director of Public Policy, The Arc & UCP California Collaboration

AB 2397 (Maienschein) – Child Support to a Special Needs Trust – has moved through the legislative process with unanimous support in both the Senate and the Assembly making its way June 15th to the desk of Governor Gavin Newsom. This bill creates the ability for judges to order and place child support to a Special Needs Trust as each parent of a child has an equal responsibility to maintain, to extent of the ability, their child of whatever age, who is incapacitated from earning a living and without sufficient means.

The Arc and UCP California Collaboration, who sponsored the bill, are hoping the Governor will sign the bill into law. The Governor has 12 days from the time he receives it to approve or veto the bill.

We thank Assemblymember Brian Maienschein for his unwavering support of the developmental disability community.

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