We’ve joined with a powerful coalition of California civil rights groups to ask Governor Newsom for action on hate crimes and related domestic terrorism.
Our priority is always anti-disability hate crimes and other victimization of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. By allying with the broad civil rights coalition, we’ve been able to accomplish much more for our community’s safety that we could have accomplished alone.
A bill we sponsored along with the LGBTQ organization Equality California, AB 1985 [http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=201720180AB1985], for example, focused largely on training police to recognize and respond to anti-disability crimes, which we call the invisible hate crimes.
As shown in point 4 in the following letter to Governor Newsom, we’ve earned the support of our fellow civil rights groups in calling on law enforcement agencies to carry out that law.
Here is a link to the coalition letter.