Strengthening protections for the people we care about is important to all of us. Mandating reporting laws are a critical component to protecting the people we care about from harm. Most people who provide care to a person with and intellectual or developmental disability are likely familiar with what mandated reporter responsibilities are and who is a mandated reported. For those who are not familiar with the role and responsibility a mandated reporter is a person who has regular contact with vulnerable populations and therefore are legally required to report suspected or observed abuse.
California law states that: “Any person who has assumed full or intermittent responsibility for care or custody of an elder or dependent adult, whether or not that person receives compensation, including administrators, supervisors, and any licensed staff of a public or private facility that provides care or services for elder or dependent adults, or any elder or dependent adult care custodian, health practitioner, or employee of a county adult protective services agency or local law enforcement agency is a mandated reporter.”
You can take a free CDSS training online to learn more.

Teresa Anderson, Policy Director, The Arc & UCP Collaboration