In collaboration with Disability Rights California and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, The Arc of California is leading the way in increasing voter participation and engagement among voters with disabilities with the Disability Vote CA project. Our mission is to engage and inform voters with disabilities and create dynamic regional teams that will facilitate access to voting for their friends and neighbors with disabilities.

Disability Vote California is a non-partisan campaign to eliminate barriers to voting, promote accessibility of voting technology and polling places; educate voters about issues and candidates; promote turnout of voters with disabilities across the country; engage candidates and the media on disability issues, and protect eligible voters’ right to participate in elections.
- Visit DisabilityVoteCA.org to learn more about the rights of voters with disabilities. https://disabilityvoteca.org
- Register to vote: https://registertovote.ca.gov
- Check your voter registration status: https://voterstatus.sos.ca.gov