Regional Centers Authorized to Resume Social Recreation and Camp Services
In 2022 Regional Centers were once again allowed to coordinate and fund social recreation and camp supports for regional center clients. These services can be critical for social development and community inclusion. The Arc of California along with other advocacy organizations have created resources and information to help families, service providers, and regional center service coordinators better understand the process to access these services. Below is a compilation of information, including webinar recordings, FAQs, and slides that we hope you will use in your advocacy efforts.
The Arc of California & The Association for Regional Center Agencies (ARCA)
Webinar for service providers about developing social recreation and camp services
- Social Recreation Webinar recording
- Seminario web de los servicios de recreación social grabación
- Frequently Asked Questions list
- Full PowerPoint slide deck
- Original flyer
Webinar for parents and people with developmental disabilities looking to access social recreation and camp services
Seminario web para padres y personas con discapacidades del desarrollo que buscan acceder a servicios de campamento y recreación social
- Restoration of Social Recreation Services video
- Restoration of Social Recreation Services video (ASL version)
- Restauración de los Servicios de Recreación Social video
- 소셜 레크리에이션 서비스의 회복 동영상
- Slide deck (pdf)
- Conjunto de diapositivas (pdf)
- 슬라이드 데크 (pdf)
- Infographic (pdf)
- Folleto Informativo (pdf)
- 인포그래픽 (pdf)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Preguntas Frecuentes
Disability Thrive Initiative
Building Lifelong Skills and Relationships Through Social Rec & Camp Services
Many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities felt lonely or had mental health concerns during the pandemic. Now there is a new way to get support for connecting with others and building relationships! The state has restored funding for social recreation and camp (“social rec”) services through regional centers. The disability community has been busy learning how to use this funding to support fun, friendships, adventure, and social skills that will last a lifetime. Join our webinar to explore:
The benefit of social recreation for people with disabilities
Real-life examples of social rec programs designed by the people using them
How service providers can work with regional centers to start social rec programs