What is The Arc@School?
Since its founding, The Arc has advocated for students with I/DD to have access to educational supports and services. The Arc was a driving force in the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in 1975, which required schools to educate all students with disabilities for the first time. The Arc@School is The Arc’s newest initiative in special education. The mission of The Arc@School is to build the capacity of our nationwide network of chapters to provide individual advocacy that helps students with I/DD and their families navigate the special education system. The Arc@School is available to chapter staff for technical assistance, training, and resources on special education advocacy. Learn more about The Arc@School.
- To learn more about your education rights in California please visit Disability Rights California at https://www.disabilityrightsca.org/publications/special-education.
- To learn more about success in college from people with disabilities visit http://supportedlife.org/College%20Success%20Booklet5.pdf.